Sunday Worship
It is our utmost desire to make our Sunday worship atmosphere as God centered as we can. We believe the presence of God is in this place, and it is our prayer that you will experience God’s presence during our worship. The worship bulletin that you receive contains everything you need (hymns, prayers, readings, etc.) to make it easy for you to fully participate in the service. The Episcopal Church has an open Communion policy. Anyone who has been baptized in the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit is welcome join us at the Lord's Table to receive his body and blood.
8:00 am - Holy Eucharist Rite II: This is a joyful service that is attended by an average of 60 people. It includes music and sermon. The worship service lasts approximately 60 minutes and is followed by coffee and refreshments.
10:30 am - Holy Eucharist Rite II: This is a jubilant service that is enriched by a sermon and the accompaniment of a full choir, which normally sings an offertory anthem. The worship service lasts approximately 60 minutes and is followed by coffee and refreshments.
Wednesday Worship
12:00 noon - Public Service of Healing and the Holy Eucharist. This is a quiet, reflective service which lasts approximately 35 minutes.
For more in-depth information on What to Expect When You Visit and Worship with us,